
伪装者:楼诚(部分衍生,不吃RPS)已出坑 台丽
全职: 韩张 双花 林方 周江 叶蓝/伞修伞
魔戒:AL/VO 索瑟/RALP
盗笔:瓶邪 黑花
SD:仙流 三暮 花藤

【Hawaii 5-0同人,SD】Stop Doing That

[In the corridor of 5-0 headquarters]

- Stop doing that, Danno.

- Stop doing what? I'm doing nothing!

- Pinching your shirt right  in front of your chest.

- No I'm not! OK, I'm just thinking about the case, and that's what I do when I am thinking really hard!

- Oh you are thinking about the case?

- Yeah I'm thinking about the case, and you should just stay focus and think about it too! Besides, I can put my finger wherever I want to! I don't need your permission. That's not your business.

- Oh that is my business.

- How? Tell me, how can this be your business? I'm not supposed to control my own hand now? Tell me about it, you dictator.

- OK, you know what, your move is such a distraction that...

- Wait, wait, wait! What do you mean by distraction?! How can my hand be your distraction?

- It means that I can't help myself looking to your chest.

- W...what?[blush]

- I can't stop imagining the muscles underneath your shirt. You wanna hear more?

- S...stop! Stop! You animal! Stop imagining anything! Ah...I can't believe you just said that...And stop looking at me! [blush even more]

- Your face is red, Danno. What are you thinking?

- Nothing, absolutely nothing, OK? Just...just stop doing that. Don't look at me.

- How? We are in the middle of a discussion about the case, remember? [smiling and looking at D]

- And now you're talking about the case?! After what you said?! [blush o(*////_////*)o]

- What did I say, Danno? You mean your little gesture made me think all about...

- Enough! I am going home! Apparently you can deal with the case alone and catch the killer with your rich imagination! [flee]

-[laugh]I will catch up with you soon, Danno. How would you like pizza for dinner?


后记:这是昨晚看5-0时突然想起来的一个梗XD蛋泥的胸真的很棒啊而且他还老不自觉地去抓胸口的衬衣!于是请海豹不要大意地调戏一把啦o(*≧▽≦)ツ 用英语写什么的绝对是我脑子进水了嘻嘻嘻

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